Board Committees

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities on the management and financial reporting process, the system of internal control, the maintenance of an effective audit process, the process for monitoring compliance, related party transactions, and the overall risk management function and/or program.

The Audit and Risk Committee is composed of the following directors:

  1. Medel T. Nera - Chairperson
  2. Ricardo Nicanor N. Jacinto - Member
  3. Daniel Rafael Ramon Z. Gomez III - Member

Corporate Governance Committee

The Corporate Governance Committee assists the Board of Directors in ensuring compliance with and proper observance of corporate governance principles and practices. It also ensures that the Board of Directors conforms to all its legal, ethical, and functional obligations through adequate governance policy development, training programs, monitoring of Board activities, and evaluation of Board performance.

The Corporate Governance Committee is composed of the following directors:

  1. Daniel Rafael Ramon Z. Gomez III - Chairperson
  2. Ricardo Nicanor N. Jacinto - Vice-Chairperson
  3. Medel T. Nera - Member
  4. Manuel C. Alberto - Member

Nomination and Compensation Committee

The Nomination and Compensation Committee assists the Board of Directors in reviewing and evaluating the qualifications of all individuals nominated to the Board and other appointments that require Board approval. It likewise assesses the effectiveness of the Board’s processes and procedures in the election or replacement of directors. It also advises the Board regarding policies concerning the organizational development and human capital of the Company and monitors the implementation of such policies in coordination with the Chairperson and/or CEO, President/COO, and Head of Human Resource.

The Nomination and Compensation Committee is composed of the following directors:

  1. Margaret Gaisano-Ang - Chairperson
  2. Sherisa P. Nuesa - Member
  3. Ricardo Nicanor N. Jacinto - Member
  4. Medel T. Nera - Member

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee assists the Board of Directors in the oversight of the Company’s major investment activities. It establishes, reviews, and recommends to the Board of Directors the policies and strategies to be adopted by the Company regarding the investment activities and portfolios necessary to achieve its goals and objectives; evaluates and enhances the Company’s investment processes; and recommends the hiring and termination of investment managers.

The Investment Committee is composed of the following directors:

  1. Ricardo Nicanor N. Jacinto - Chairperson
  2. Margaret Gaisano-Ang - Member
  3. Jack S. Gaisano - Member
  4. Sherisa P. Nuesa - Member
  5. Medel T. Nera - Member